
The Cornerstone Of Your Life

The first Czech institution of higher learning, known today as Charles University, was founded by Emperor Charles IV back in 1348. It is the oldest academic institution in Central Europe; thus the country can look back on almost seven hundred years of tradition in higher education. In 1573 a second university, now known as Palacky University, was founded in the Moravian town of Olomouc. The beginnings of polytechnic education date back to 1717 and the founding of the Technical University in Prague. Less than a hundred years later the first conservatory was founded, now called the Academy of the Performing Arts.Advocate of mandatory education An important milestone in the education system of every country is the introduction of mandatory education. In the Czech lands, which in past centuries were a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, six-year mandatory school attendance was decreed in 1774. In Daytona II Watches 1869 mandatory schooling was extended to eight years (today it is nine). In 1998 a new law on higher education was passed allowing private schools of higher education to be established.Private and public schools of higher education At Czech institutions of higher education today, one may study under three programmes: Bachelor's, Master's, and doctor-a Studies are centred around regular classroom attendance, or a combination of self-study, consultation and multiple-day seminars.Bachelor's studies, Rolex Submariner which usually take three years, emphasize a balance between the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Master's studies, usually five-year, are focused on acquiring the most advanced theoretical knowledge in the given field, as well as on research and the development of creative skills. Doctoral studies are intended for graduates of Master's studies, and focus on independent research and creativity.At present in the Czech Republic there are 24 public institutions of higher education, comprising 117 faculties. These schools are funded by the state, and their students pay no tuition. Public institutions of higher education offer Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral programmes.There are also 28 private higher education institutions, which are not divided into faculties, and provide primarily Bachelor's programmes. At these schools, students do pay tuition.Admission into all institutions of higher education is conditional upon completion of secondary school and the successfully passing of an entrance examination. The organization of entry procedures is entirely within the competence of the individual schools; examinations commonly consist of a written test or tests in a particular discipline or general knowledge tests. A personal interview is often required as well. At Public institutions of higher education in particular, the number of applicants far exceeds the number Rolex Submariner of available places, sometimes by ten or twenty times.Free for everyone International students who wish to study at Czech schools of higher education have a number of possibilities. If they decide to study in the Czech language, they may study there free of charge a€" the same as Czech attendees. The only condition is the passing of an entrance examination.

